Studierende/ الطلاب والدارسون

The program Ishraf Ailmy/لطلاب تحت الاشراف العلمي: From the month of July 2020  we have a new operation system for postponing of Military service as well as applying for Ishraf Ailmy program. To be sure to use the website of CMD correctly please see the video first (time needed: 7:38’’):

Than visit the website and apply correctly your documents and your information.

The service fee for the verification is € 50. Please and transfer the total to our account:

Beneficiary name: Arab Republic of Egypt; Educational Office

IBAN: AT26 1200 0002 9057 2711


Bank: Bank Austria

Payment Reference: Your NAME

As soon we see your documents in our system we will proof and legalize them online after your payment.